I was torn between 3 and 4 stars. I decided to only give 3 stars bc the main lead couple of KinnPorsche brought the entire series down, imo.
Not Kinn, he was true to character. It was Porsche that ruined the entire series for me. He was so self-conscious of the 'acting' vs absorbing himself into the role it comes across as very amateur.
- Apo who plays the role of Porsche is 90% a BAD ACTOR. Yes, that may seem harsh, but it was literally painful to watch him. He was not up to par with any of the other actors.
- I'm not sure how old he is in real life, but even in the 'reaction' and 'special' episodes, he behaves very immature. Barcode who plays the younger brother Porchay, and who is at least several years younger that Apo, is far more mature in both his acting and emotional maturity than Apo.
- Bottom Line: he got on every one of my nerves to the extent that I wanted to start ff through their scenes.
3 Stars also for the cheesy, corny, poorly scripted, poorly produced action scenes.
3 Stars for the multiple enormous plot holes that made absolutely no sense. For example: there's a shoot out in a warehouse. Everyone except Porsche does a very good job. Porsche / Apo seems to not know how to play his role. He's awkward or he's overacting and immature. I can't imagine what it must've been like for an actor like Bible /Vegas to play opposite him.
But, to get back to my main point: during the shoot out 1 of the longer-term body guards get shot & dies. It's completely glossed over. There's no mention of it at all, except for Kinn, who's known him his entire life says, "Oh No! Big!!" That's it. That's the extent that the death of his best body guard he's known for 15 yrs is dealt with.
AND - fricken Porsche just lays there & lets Big get shot. Doesn't shoot back, try and fight back. Nothing. Either that's bad scripting or bad acting. And, from what I know, actors can contribute to a scene. Make suggestions on how it should be played or acted out. After having watched 14 epi + all the special episodes my conclusion is:
APO IS NOTHING MORE THAN A PRETTY FACE they cast for visuals. It doesn't feel as though he contributed more than what was on the page to his role. BORING. FLAT. DULL. UNINTERESTING. ONE DIMENSIONAL. UNIMAGINATIVE. INEXPERIENCED.
5 Stars for the rest of the cast.
4 Stars bc the script had so many holes in it, it felt like it was a quilt knitted together by passing from house to house in a village.
Either the character of Porsche was written to be obnoxious, immature, cocky, foolishly arrogant, or, that's simply the way Apo is.
Typically, you see the actor's honest personality come through in any role they play. In the end, it's the essence of the actor in the core of any role.
Apo drug the whole thing down bc he had such a primary lead role. If he had been a supporting character, this would be at least 4.5 Stars overall.
I realize this is probably a very unpopular assessment. But - this is my review and that's how I see it.
Thank goodness for 2nd (Kinn's best friends), 3rd (PeteVegas), 4th (Kim Porchay) & 5th (Yok's bar) lead couples. They were all really good! And Bible, aka, Vegas, was OUTSTANDING.