It was cute, a little bit of an odd plot twist with the siblings switching partners with the other siblings as if it’s not weird. I felt like that was glazed over and wasn’t developed enough to make it believable. I thought it was gonna be about the family being wrong for judging Meredith and Everett’s comparability by being pleasantly surprised at the end… but no. Everett meets Meredith’s sister and immediately falls in love with her? weird. They literally talk like one time and he already has the googly “I’m in love” eyes like please lolll Then Meredith forms a relationship with Ben at the same time Everett and Julie are “falling for each other” but before, when Ben meets Meredith, he also immediately shows interest in her as if his BROTHER didn’t just bring her home. When Meredith finds out Everett wants her sister, she’s not enraged enough for me. She doesn’t even confront her sister like bffr lol When Julie is about to get on the bus, she doesn’t want to stay but she doesn’t say that it’s wrong bc Everett was literally about to marry her SISTER, her excuse for not staying is bc “it’s too much!” Like please lmao they don’t really address it, everyone was just so nonchalant about that, which is unrealistic. I know it’s a movie, but this storyline was kinda silly considering they didn’t spend more time developing it. I liked it up until that plot twist, i wouldn’t consider this a Christmas movie i’d watch every year.