Garudan (2023)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
"Garudan" embarks on a promising journey with a compelling first half, notably in the courtroom scenes that invoke echoes of the goosebumps-inducing moments from "Jana Gana Mana." Biju Menon's character forms a strong emotional connection with the audience. However, the film initially appears to favor his character more, intensifying the emotional bond, but as the narrative progresses into the second half, the filmmakers make strenuous efforts to rectify this balance. Regrettably, these endeavors often come across as forced and, at times, cringe-worthy, resulting in an imbalance in character development that contributes to the film's shortcomings.
The second half of "Garudan" struggles to sustain the captivating momentum set in the first, and as the story unfolds, the final twist feels contrived and artificial, ultimately culminating in a disappointingly forced ending. While "Garudan" has its moments of brilliance, it regrettably falls short of fully realizing its potential.
It's worth noting that, in this review, I've chosen to completely ignore the fast-paced investigation, speedy court verdicts, and the unique approach used to pinpoint the criminal within the population. While these elements may have their merits, they couldn't rescue the film from its overall flaws.