'Every lie incurs a debt to the Truth, sooner or later the debt is paid'
Chernobyl mini-series:
The creepy truth about a national tragedy is dramatized in such a perfect manner that it keeps you focused and curious about working of a nuclear reactor.
The first 20mins keeps you and even the characters guessing on the scale of mishap that actually happened.
Following episodes focus on the unsung heroes that contained the spread of radiation; firefighters, coal miners, lunar rovers, 3 divers & the brave 'Bio'-robots.
The last 2 episodes nail the justification on the 'How' part of the accident
The series clearly sparks a debate on the merits and demerits of nuclear energy & prompts a range of questions about how competently current leadership would deal with a disaster of a similar scale.
It clarifies on how Soviets were more concerned on the Global reaction than the actual meltdown.
It is a much watch:
1. with headphones - the eerie music not to be missed
2. go through the disaster details on wikipedia - will help in much better understanding, especially of the last part.