If there is one thing I have learned from reading the comments of the critics, it’s this: the problem with Hollywood, IS the critics. If you didn’t like this movie, you were either blind or completely brainwashed by the “men only” action/revenge movies of the past. Garner gave an amazing performance in this action packed movie that led me to places of anger only Taken had done before. My heart pounded and I screamed at the tv as I cheered on the heroine. Peppermint went places no other movie would touch out of fear the wrong message would be received. I’m completely taken back by the ratings for this film. It deserves a solid 5/5. The female punisher deserves better! My advice? Don’t read the critics’ bland and blind review or you will miss out. Not every movie can be cute and heartwarming. It’s not all about lost fish or talking toys. Peppermint delivers the action and revenge with absolutely no remorse.