Nice addictive mystery miniseries. A "Taken" sort of movie where the father tries not to bother the cops and single handedly rescue his daughter, with LOTS of holes in the story.
-- Spoiler Alert --
First of all, extremely unrelated and suspicious new cop who turns out to be the protagonist's friend's daughter who is FIXATED on the pedophile teacher with no proof. I mean, how did that contribute to the story?
Second, seems like sometimes the writers totally forgot about CCTVs inside the residence. How come it took multiple episodes for the main character to realize he can watch the gate's CCTV footage? Couldn't he just check it in the first episode and see that her daughter comes back that night? They had gates, guards, cameras and everything but seems like the doorman only works in the mornings and has no idea who comes and goes out of the residence. Don't they have a night guard or anything?
Third, when the town's main detective kills the young boy, why is she not bothered to clean her tracks or just move the body? What was she hoping for? That someone just takes the blame and it all goes away?? I mean Sia's dad had more information about forensics.
Plus they do not bother to explain why the hell was the daughter hiding for so long! What was she trying to achieve?? Why were the cops so terrible at their jobs? No one was tracking her phone or anything.