Mix of Toukiden style mechanics with Borne-like combat. I say Borne instead of Souls because this game is far, far less punishing than a Dark Souls game, the bosses are easier to read, and combat is more fluid. While I can potentially see a toddler struggling with this game I can't imagine a grown adult unable to wrap their minds around strike distance or hit and run tactics which is all you're doing for the first few levels. It doesn't get truly difficult until you defeat the main boss and unlock endgame content. Features a generic protagonist and the characters aren't particularly memorable, it is thoroughly entertaining nonetheless and you should absolutely buy this game because the gameplay is really where it shines. Unfortunately Playstation Plus doesn't actually keep your data and it isn't stored online, so when I waited hours to jump back in I was very disappointed to find out my progress, levels, gear, everything that I spent hours to obtain was not kept. It's pretty disappointing and I don't really see myself doing that grind again but as a new consumer you should certainly stick it out past the first few bosses and see if it's for you or not. That's it. See ya.