Possibly one of the most intriguing games I've played. It grabbed my attention from the very beginning and it never seemed to lose it once. I did want to finish the game quickly, but not because it was dragging on for too long, but because I wanted to experience all of its glory and find out how it ended. Having not played the first game, I was worried that I was going to be lost, however, I was very pleased to find out that this takes place before the first game and I understood mostly everything, some things I might've missed because I didn't play the first one, but I didn't notice them which is not necessarily a bad thing. I've seen others write reviews that are essay-worthy of lengths, but I wanted to be concise with my review. Overall, it's an amazing game visually, story-wise, audio-wise, and also tension-wise. I don't necessarily love being scared, but this game made me want it more and more, I wanted to feel the urge to run and to escape, this game has made it into my top 5 or 3 games that I've played in the last few years, and I've played quite a few. I'd recommend it to anyone who loves being scared every now and then, this didn't give me nightmares but I can see it giving nightmares to a small child. Great game, highly recommend.