Get qued with bad teammates, even if you get an s, which is the highest grade and says you played better than 99% of players, you will still lose. it is a team game which is filled with random people who strive to get titled and teach you new things about toxications. the rank system is fked up, you will get matched up with 2 afks, 1 inter, and 1 barely human, others who are playing this game since season 3 or before and were placed in diamond or higher will still to this day remain and fill up in diamond. whereas you will have to start from the bottom and get stuck with afks, there is no skill gap, only lag and ping gap, no Indian servers here, even tho it has been 11 years of this timewasting game, or one for asia, Garena is less played, with 10 minutes minimum queue time even for normals, you get 100 ping there and 250 ping spike for EUW. everyone honestly plays this game to release hate, don't waste your life, and play something better.