Graphics are fantastic, if you dont care about narrative and just want something that looks beautiful and has terrible camera controls and the exact same game play as the first game then you'll love this game. If you do like narrative then just leave the story of the sequel up to your imagination. This story has no coherent attachment to the first game besides character names and settings but it builds upon absolutely nothing from the first game and can't even manage to keep its own story line together. Its convoluted and struggles to build on the large cast of characters in any meaningful way but does an excellent job and making Ellie seem like a piece of trash who can't even be an cold blooded killer properly. Dina and Ellie's relationship is the only real character development of any worth in the entire game but after about 13 hours its no longer the focus and by the end of the game its non-existent. There is no closure at the end of the game for Ellie either where as Abby gets narrative treated like a princess and ends up in a far better position then the character we are actually playing the game for. Characters Die and aren't even mentioned again, the same plot points are used multiple times for both Ellie's portion of the game and Abby's because they couldn't think of anything else apparently. The coolest faction in the game (Seraphites) is never explored and it really only used to make you sympathize with Abby but it actually just puts her in the same situation as Joel and she even makes the same decision to kill everyone else to save this kid so she killed Joel for nothing. The only thing that could have redeemed this terrible narrative is if Ellie killed herself at the end because she can't sleep.