Is there any drama more overrated than Wolf Hall? Not only is it historically inaccurate , with crass dialogue and ludicrous scenarios involving punch ups in Council meetings, it is tedious. If you want a flawed Historical drama, at least "The Tudors" was entertaining. And I have a huge problem with this portrayal of Cromwell as a more sympathetic figure, often shocked by his own part in executions and dissolution.Cromwell was Henry V111's brutal enforcer, enthusiastically carrying out the King's dirty work, whether it was arranging the judicial murder of Henry's opponents or destroying the monasteries and thus displacing countless monks and nuns, as well as contributing to destitution in the country. He was the epitome of hypocrisy and greed, decrying Catholic corruption while lining his own pockets with the spoils of the church, so to make him into a sympathetic, tortured soul, which this drama attempts to do, is on a par with attempting to justify the tyranny that goes on in so many countries today. But maybe that's it - an age which can cheerfully countenance leaders like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump is perfect for a revisionist history of a murderous thug like Thomas Cromwell.