Usually when you are watching an emotional movie, you know for a fact that you are gonna cry. Remember The Fault In Our Stars? Sweet but painful? Now imagine the funny, one sided, real and ambitious version of The Fault In Our Stars. That's what it is. Beautiful. Funny. Emotional. Happy. Sad. Painful.
You must be thinking that you will be in a pool of tears by the end of the movie but let me assure you, they end it on a good note. A happy note. Considering the fact that the movie is based on a teenager's fight for life. You will laugh at many moments but you will have many moments where you will cry. Cry as if you have lost someone of your own. Even though the movie is of 2 hours, I thought it was short. I wanted to see more of Zach. His humor, charm and voice. But the directors made sure not to stretch it. Which is a plus poin and also the music is great
Overall if you are a person who likes to watch emotional movies secretly to have a good cry (Me). Go for it. It's beautiful.