When I saw this, I felt like it had been subjected to the chop-shop before release. There were so many plot holes and things that were set up and never addressed. My guess would be that it was originally around 2 hours in length, but test screenings suggested that the audience this would be aimed at would struggle stretching their attention spans beyond the 90 minute mark. I also felt that there were no rules established for the kid, in terms of the story he's pretty much invincible and has every super power imaginable so there was never any tension when he was faced with conflict. I also seem to remember there being a whole bunch of exposition about 3/4 of the way into the movie - which obviously wasn't necessary at that point.
Overall, it was a pretty poor movie in my book. The SFX/CGI were ok enough, but I was too distracted by the choppy story. But that's the kind of person I am. Poor writing ruins all immersion for me as I just end up asking questions instead of being engrossed in the plot.