First of all let me state, I'm a lifetime watch fan of Jeopardy. However Jeopardy is long overdue to include more African American questions....The few occasions Jeopardy has had African American subjects , it is very disappointing when contestants very often do not know answers related to African Americans...Example : identify picture of "Frederick Douglas "no one could answer!..I was stunned! Jaw dropping!.. Unbelievable, but Believeable! to not be able to identify Frederick Douglas is a disgrace, especially by these caliber of contestants. It's concerning how little African American knowledge is applied. Today there was a African American question as Final , "none of contestants had correct answer". Do contestants not study African American history? [though some areas of US society are attempting to eliminate or rewrite history] Please Jeopardy step it up to be more all inclusive. Jeopardy long-term lifetime fans are counting on you.