I personally believe that it's very inspiring and indulging in many ways.The positivity of lead actress keerthy suresh and her ways to think and handle every situation is indeed a great learning on handling the most difficult situations with an ease.it brings the conflicts,failures and more of life being faced in different situations.The whole cast especially naresh garu and jagapathi babu perfectly suited for their roles.Despite the fact the movie didnt have any twists it is way more inspirational especially for girls whose parents feel they are not capable for doing any higher jobs and business fields
Every aspect of it was very well put together.I find the movie's message relevant for our times,times in which values needed to be rescued.I strongly recommend this to every parent if you are parenting a daughter to watch it.I have been at the edge of my seat waiting to know what happens next snd all the characters are amazing and everything was perfectly executed
Kudos team #Missindia