Today's Sussex narrative by media hacks reported then repeated around the world is British media never bothered them; however, now that they are in Canada, they are getting poor treatment. Seriously? It did not even require research to know that was not true but that did not stop you from having it repeated unchallenged on your program. I'd describe having drones fly over one's home and film inside not only poor treatment but also a violation. Non-stop coverage from public events is understood; however, the accompanying false narratives is not. The list is extensive and easily discoverable with minimum effort. CBS, I hold you to a far higher standard than what I saw today on a matter that, by comparison might seem trivial were it not for the death threats this hard-working, smart and kind (descriptions of people who know them) could endure. You can and must do better in order to be credible on matters of grave importance while also avoiding adding to the bullying tactics of a group that should be below your station. I give you less than one star so subtract what you see.