The issue with this biopic is it just tries to ride on the high of the main character without spending sufficient time to portray the inner turmoils and conflicts that it initially promised us to convey . The daughter - mother relationships ups and downs are forced upon due to lacks of good screenplay writing. To give few examples
- the scene where the daughter is made to realise the challenges of being a mother and professional in the open house scene. The writing is so ordinary that this challenge is just spoken by some characters
- the legal battle scene(s) are so mawkish, especially the black book scene and emotions ensuing
- the last scene of sakunthala speech could have saved the movie , but was again let down by poor writing . Unfortunately only a paid actor , as a daughter , can whistle . The audience are left wondering whether they would be better off watching a documentary rather than a movie that promised a good drama.
- the back and forth scenes are over done . At times we get confused what phase in their ever twisting relationship we should relate the scenes to.
The protagonist character was real life inspiration but the reel life made it a cliche