Somewhat accidentally poignant and unifying film in divisive times….
If you just ignore the presumed implied message that this film is a metaphor about climate change, and take it at face value that it is a disaster film about a comet hitting the Earth, there is so much biting satire for everyone to enjoy here. Despite what we are led to believe, the left and right ends of American politics really agree on a lot of things, namely, that our duopoly system has corrupted democracy, the corporate media distorts that truth, and little guys have been getting the shaft. Director Adam McKay lights up the political class, corporate media, pop culture, celebrities, and our modern tech oligarchs, all with equal aplomb. And while the President could easily be seen as a Trump fill in, the pictures on her oval office desk could just as well make her a satire of Hillary Clinton. And isn’t that the point, because in the duopoly people suffer under the illusion of democracy. It doesn’t matter who we voted for, because the same people are still pulling the strings in the background.
Most of the criticism of this film is actually coming from the status quo and the left. The status quo does not enjoy their true nature being exposed to the masses (lest it actually penetrate our limited attention spans and expose them for what they are: a deceitful charade). And the true believers of climate change don’t think the comet was an apt metaphor to promote their Malthusian ideology. One is left to ask if those criticisms are worthy of merit.
Don’t Look Up is a delightful and thought provoking film that really turns the camera around and gives us a refreshing introspective view of ourselves. It entertains and makes us think. This is what filmmaking is supposed to do. Thoroughly worth watching.