An Assamese lady one-in-all guerrilla film director-producer-editor-screenwriter-cinematographer-production-designer Rima Das wins India's top Film Award for her maiden film "VILLAGE ROCKSTAR". Apart from India's Best Film National Award, Rima also won Best Edtior Award. Her film's lead actress & her niece Bhanita Das wins India's best Child Actor Award, and her audiographer-cousin Mallika Das wins India's Best Audiography Award. All in a family!
Rima lives in an outskirt village near my city, and she is a self-taught filmmaker. Her film made waves at many international Film Festivals world over. She made her film on a DSLR home camera, and edited her unplanned shots taken over two years without comprehensive screenplay by following YouTube tutorials. She is the NEW HOPE TO GUERRILLA FILMMAKERS world over, and and her today's success proves that money or team support is NOT necessary if you have the talent and vision to be a filmmmaker.
Heartiest Congratulations to Rima, Bhanita and Mallika! :) <3