If you grew up during the golden age of call of duty, I recommend that you do not even think about purchasing this game. a complete dumpster fire that’s been a mess since launch. Many big problems that Activision has had with call of duty like the issues of innovating for innovation’s sake, fixing things that aren’t broken, or “nostalgia sells”. Bringing captain Price back just to use him as a side character in campaign is just one of the many examples that shed light on the fact that Activision is simply just looking for a quick cash grab. Many things implemented in this game prove that modern era call of duty is simply going in reverse as far as ability to stick with the core of what makes call of duty a great franchise. For example, developers at IW blatantly said that this game was developed for new players, with elements like mounting and the ability to win at a video game without touching the left stick or WASD. Slower paced maps with awkward mechanics that seem to dance along the line of Rainbow Six Siege gives the game a different and unfamiliar taste that veteran CoD players almost gag at. Oh and please, dont even get me started on Warzone. Yes, I can appreciate a well developed and well put together battle royale from any cod developer, but when the game is built for new players, it starts to feel like window watching simulator. When Timmy-No-Thumbs and his seventh grade buddies can sit in the same building until the final circle and win, the game starts to feel like its working against you. Plus, the developers are simply relying on a free-to-play battle royale game to carry MW 2019 to the end of its DLC cycle, when call of duty’s from years past are still managing to put up numbers of players.
In essence, the game as a whole has too many flaws for it to even be in the same discussion as some of the greats, and I would do your wallet and blood pressure a favor and keep from all contact of this abhorrent and utter nightmare of coding that activision dare name “Call Of Duty”.