This isn't a bad spy adventure series, but it should have been titled something like "Save the innocents", because for the most part. All the main characters do is run around trying to keep innocent family members and friends, from being killed by the bad guys. In spite of a really stellar cast in both seasons. The series is really kind of subpar with a lot of melodrama. It would have been so much more interesting and entertaining. If the production company had used the really talented actors, and what appears to be a good sized production budget. To create a series that would be more in keeping with a Jason Bourne, or Jack Ryan type of action drama. As I watched the series, I became more and more disappointed with the melodramatic writing, and ridiculous plots. Characters who are supposed to be people that are accustomed to death and carnage. Are suddenly turned into people that should have been working for some humanitarian charity, rather than working for spy agencies. I really like the actor Mark Strong, and it was fun seeing him in his role. Watching Walton Goggins' "go off" on Anastasia Griffith's character, yelling just inches away from her face was both well done and amusing. I didn't much care for various British actors using fair to not so good American accents, Southern in particular. This wasn't a terrible series, but it really could have been so much better.