After so long time came across a story which was truley in today's era noone make series about all the things which is exactly going in india ..
Its like noone see "behind the scene''
And in this i would say...they managed to include media,politics,mythology, barbarities against poor,gender politics,caste system,religion,law and order and so many things,all in a intimidating thriller story.
And from out of the box they beautifully involved dogs..and ends the storyline with such a great gesture of human and dog love...
Since this lockdown i've seen so many web series but this one really touches heart..
Bcz this is the story who don't take side or dont judge their characters from good to bad.
The four convicts were so unique and like little scary specially tyagi yet your hearts went out for of them...who is transgender ,the childhood of her and her frnd is so heartbreaking which make us realise how fragile and expendable lives of the poor are..the smallest dreams become the herdest thing to achieve even if you put your life on the line...also brilliant acting of jaideep ahlavat aka hathi ram ..he did unbelievable job..