Blood, guts, gore, twists, plots, magic, demons, vampires, monster slayers, creative and damn right my favourite show. Watched season 1 - 3. The main characters are deeply explored and I think they are amazing! This show is f#*@ing brilliant! The comedy is brilliant, the dialogue is very well put together, the audio is bliss and sets each event stupendously well! The last two episodes of season 3 I was on the edge of my seat, so much going on and it might have well have been rolled out on red carpet, it was a flawless ending. I must mention the art style is beautifully crafted and explicitly explores the environment, emotions and movement. I'd recommend this show to anyone who is interested in deep stories with comedic value, vampires, demons and the ones who hunt them, twists and a darker side.
It is not a boring show and each episode brings in a new element for the viewers to indulge in.