I didn’t even get through the first episode. I loved the old Saved By the Bell series. The one I grew up on in the 80’s n 90’s. It wasn’t about race or politics. It was just a silly show that kids were smart enough to know was not grounded in Reality. Kids enjoyed it while we were growing up because although there were lessons in each episode about being a good friend, don’t bully, etc, the social/moral messages weren’t dividing you by class and, race. In the original saved, Lisa Turtle was the spoiled rich girl. In this new one, all the white kids are privileged and all the black or Hispanic kids are poor or disadvantaged is some way. The original was just a fun show to watch on weekends or after school now, I wouldn’t recommend it to any of my friends kids. Good Lord, please stop ruining the shows we grew up on and politicizing them!!