I really look forward to watching FBI each week. And what’s funny is I am normally not interested in cop/csi type shows. Or I should say that I loose interest in them whenever I give them a shot. This show holds my interest. Even though it’s formulated fairly the same each week, I love the plot twists and unexpected turns that I know are coming. But each story is clever, interesting and very well done.
Maggie Is very captivating and likable and OA is fearless, strikingly handsome and very mysterious as well. I actually like that his personal life is mostly kept quiet because it makes him an intriguing character... although the viewer is teased with bits and pieces about his past throughout the series, leaving you wanting more.
Jeromy Sistos character does the same thing each week... he blurts out info on the crime and is always yelling orders in the office to a large group of extras who seem to have no response or role in the show except to roll around on their chairs or hover over each other at their desks. It would almost be more believable if he were just in a room with the main characters. Or have some of the other characters chime in every now and then. Because its always only Kristen (the fib analyst) who responds to his questions or comments. And Dana is so cool and collective and suave with every line that comes out of her mouth. At first she kind of annoyed me but I’m getting used to how she is.
Overall I record this show on my DVR and watch every episode. I look forward to seeing how it progresses!