I am 63 years old, watch ALL THREE MAJOR NETWORKS and clearly put NBC at the bottom of the three. My decision to finally come here and choose to make a formal statement about it is not because Mr. Holt seems to show stories more often of his race, that is overdue, nor is it about how anchor should be an anchor and celebrating those in the field but in see shows after the news all over NBC plastered all over the place with “with Lester Holt” all the way to bed time. It’s not about any of that. The final straw was when he chose to take away the thing my husband and I looked forward to most, what we called the human interest story at the end. It’s been replaced with MORE ADVERTISING about the kids version of the news. Prince William has a daughter named Charlotte. In a piece about her Lester called the Queen her grandmother. Charlotte has two grandmothers, William’s mother-in-law and Princess Diana. The Queen is her GREAT-grandmother. I called the station daily for over a month insisting on a correction. The person holding his position lost the job for lying. I would think he would have wanted to make a correction immediately. I have watched EVERY DAY SINCE AND NEVER HEARD ONE. I would post ZERO STARS but you HAVE TO GIVE 1.
Susan Barthelow