The show was a train wreck! I’m mad at myself for wasting hours of my life on what seemed like A set up from the beginning!!! And Hanna Here’s your sign the guys family basically told you No! They did not support this relationship!! And early on didn’t he tell you that he had originally came there for his career? And you said you respected his honestly? This shows seemed so fake and staged. And I don’t think I can ever watch it again unless it’s revamped!!!
I suggest big brother meets American Idol meets the bachelor. Competitions instead of group dates. They can win a one on one. A Panel of relationship expert’s pick a one on one the public Picks a one on one and the winner of the Competition wins a one on one. And these people Plan the dates not the Bach! The Bach can give roses to these people to keep them safe from the Block. The experts the public and the house each get to vote a person on the block. The Bach can save one, two or none of them! So that’s my idea I pulled out of the air!