Neil Patrick Harris - I've never been a big fan of Harris (even as Doogie), but this was probably the best role of his career. He outshined everyone else (even Reeves). Bravo Harris.
If it wasn't for Harris in this movie, this would have been a 1-star review. And that is sad!
Like many others, I had read the many negative reviews prior to watching the movie. But this movie had so much potential, I just had to see for myself (reviews have been wrong before). And the truth is, I was actually pleasantly surprised in the beginning, on the direction they chose to go with for the story. The first half of the movie, I was saying to myself how everyone was wrong and that this was a great movie. But then a series of unnecessary events happened that make no sense, and the story began spiraling downward. In the end, you are left feeling betrayed, and just shaking your head with regret.
## MINOR SPOILERS ## - May influence viewer's opinion and/or bias
There were a thousand different ways they could have ended the movie that would have had viewers raving about the cleverness and engaging story. But it almost seemed like there was conflict among the writers, and the story ends up doing stupid things. Making the story centered around the love Neo and Trinity have for each other, is about as ridiculous as it comes. So what, the love between the billions of other humans in the Matrix have no influence on the system, but the love Neo and Trinity's have is what makes the difference? And the biggest grievance in that all powerful Neo, affectionally known as "The One", can still dodge bullets and bend reality, now graduates his power even further so that he can now create large force-fields that can at-will repel hordes of enemies and entire cars and helicopters.
Yet, for some unknown reason, he can't remember how to fly and falls to his death. Only to learn that Trinity somehow, at the last moment of the movie, who CAN'T dodge bullets, can't defeat agents, or bend reality around her (never could), NOW she can suddenly fly and has to come to the rescue of Neo? That;s how you end the movie?? Like What?? I mean, Why?? How?? - It's not a cliff-hanger. This movie went over the cliff and there is no return now.
The ending was so unlikely and so unimaginable (even in the Matrix universe), it essentially 'broke' the entire Matrix franchise. (imho) For what? To try and make a point that men need women too, or that women can be the hero too? I LOVE women heroine. But you can't just mke a woman a hero for no reason. You end up having the opposite effect. It's something that doesn't fit or make sense. So sad.
But I did give it 2-stars, because the graphics were well polished, and Neil Patrick Harris did an AMAZING job (outshined Reeves by a mile).