the movie was great don’t get me wrong, but the movie was fairly overhyped in my opinion. Obviously due to all the previous villains, tobey and andrew. however just because they were back doesn’t mean its instantly a great film. Towards the end i got a bit disappointed at how easily the spidermen beat all the villains, who were all given their seperate movies against every spiderman and were very close of beating/killing them and were just defeated too easily . The choreography wasn’t good at all except for the end in the final battle between tom and the green goblin ( mainly due to Willem Dafoe‘s brilliant acting). Also i couldn’t care less about aunt may’s death, we were never given a reason to love the character and the only time she said something good was the famous line “ With great power comes greta responsibility” , nothing original and was extremely forced. Finally, just a small one but how was spiderman( tobey maguire ) not in extreme pain when the green goblin stabbed him( his reaction to getting stabbed was like getting stabbed by a needle) , they literally joked about the pain he was going through but no he stayed down for a minute and got up. Overall though i have to admit it was a good movie but not that great to the point where i would want to watch it again. I just feel it was fairly overhyped because its of the nostalgia