this game is an embarrassing attempt at a cash grab. you’re just constantly fighting robots, there’s always glitches, there’s always boring moments when playing, the whole upgrade/loot system makes no sense. the only cool thing they could do is have awesome costumes for these historical characters and they even manage to mess that up by making it so you have to buy the outfits with real money or play 20 hours of the game for MAYBE one costume. it’s been out for over a year now (i took a year break, hoping some updates would drastically change the game) and it’s the same nonsense as it was before. Crystal Dynamics so clearly don’t care about Marvel the same way Insomniac does or even the LEGO game creators do. they just knew by halfheartedly making an Avengers game, they’d make a lot of money. I’m PRAYING that we hear about a completely separate Avengers game from a different company in the next couple years, because this one was a failure. before buying, please look up honest reviews of this game on YouTube. disgraceful.