I was so disappointed in this show. The characters seemed so likable and interesting in the beginning. I thought they were well written and well cast. I am not a staunch political person and I consider myself middle of the road when it comes to politics, but this show seems obsessed with making anyone who doesn’t kiss the ground Hillary Clinton walks on, seem like a complete idiot. The writers are obsessed with Hillary and paint anyone without an extreme liberal view as a moron. The episodes became unwatchable as they continued to throw out the most bizarre right wing conspiracy theories as factual. If you are a critical thinker and have a skeptical view of what any politician tells you then this is not the show for you. I felt as though my intelligence was in question with each and every episode. If you live and breathe liberal politics and don’t question a word that has ever come of the mouths of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama then this is the show for you. If you have any semblance of brain power and get your news from any source other than CNN you should watch something else. As well, the writers are obsessed with the F word. I really don’t think that supposedly intelligent, top schooled professionals drop the F bomb in every other sentence. Since this show surrounds itself around a mainly all black law firm I find it offensive and denigrating to blacks by implying that dropping the F bomb is the only way they choose to express themselves. I got to season three, when one of my favorite characters Lucca, was in labor and four professional women could think of nothing better than screaming profanities at the top of their lungs all at once in a hospital setting. If you’ve got more than a sixth grade education I would suggest another show.