What I really like about this movie is how well done the world building and Superman's character is. The upbringing of a godlike protector raised as a normal person isn't a time to be taken lightly, the world would change its entire perspective as now they've lost all control over their own fate. Not only this but that weight now falls onto Superman, who's felt alienated his by humanity his entire life, which makes his decision to fight against the surviving kryptonian invaders who's only hope is terraforming earth all the more impactful. However admittedly I get why people don't like this because Superman's not an edgy character, his story's meant to be more lighthearted, but I've yet to hear any argument for why the edge doesn't make narrative sense and either way this version of Superman still does what he's supposed to which is inspire hope. And you can't blame an adaptation for being inaccurate to the source material, I know this movie defines quite a lot of the modern takeaway from Superman's character but we shouldn't make that the fault of the writing itself. It's a different discussion to say "this movies good but the creator didn't do a good job of adapting the source material" and "the movies bad because it wasn't like the source material". This is antithetical to creativity as if everything was just a rehash of something else we'd never have new ideas. So yeah, I give this movie a 4/5.