It will be super hard for any game set in the Breath of the Wild universe to get closebto how perfect BotW felt.
Hyrule Warriors, as a Musoe game is great. And as a Zelda game is very good too.
The game suffers a lot from Switch's lack of power however. Reaching points where it might be frustrating for some as it drops constantly to under 20FPS.
Gameplay wise, the developers did a great job to balance the buttton smashing from the musoe games with the finesse and technique BotW's gameplay require. It feels amazing to land flurry rushes after a perfect dodge. Or using the Sheikah Tablet at the perfect time.
The story of the game, might surprise or even anger some fans who expected it to be a faithful prequel. As it is very different from what many expected. However, I do like when a couple set of characters get to interact in ways that were not possible in BotW.
The game offers enough content to keep you playing over and over for a good amount of time. And the attention to detail it presented in regards of setting the Hyrule of the past, left a great impression on me.