I wasn't able to watch this past the 2nd episode. There are now 2 documentaries about this Nxivm thing and I recommend you skip both. The first one, the Vow has some pretty serious omissions and spends most of its time telling the story from the perspective of one group who look like they have an axe to grind. They don't disclose that the documentary makers were enrolled in nxivm when they decided to make the documentary or that one of the main characters was previously a member of another cult before joining nxivm among other things. It is also very iffy about what part exactly some of the main characters played in the whole saga and what benefits, financial or otherwise they reaped from participating. Some of them come across as financially very well-off in the documentary, which could do with some explanation given they supposedly devoted several years and even decades full-time to nxivm. As for this documentary, it comes across as a PR campaign for one of the well-heeled and well connected 'victims'. All in all I've lost interest in the story as all the people involved, perpetrators and 'victims', seem to be spoiled and self-serving narcissists with an agenda. I recommend skipping both and waiting until an independent journalist/filmmaker with no connection to any of the characters objectively tells the story. The story itself is very compelling and deserves such a treatment.