Total garbage!
There are 2 ways to make a car game
First you can create a digital environment and then add digital cars to it and drive those digital cars around within a digital environment...
Or you can build a turntable in the center of the screen where the car spins left and right while the images move around the car...
This title is a sour version of the latter...
You "drive" a car that spins on a turntable while the "digital environment" glides around under the "tires" and changes view for you...
This provides an experience where the "car" seems detached from the environment as you slide (not drive) around in an abysmal track "drifting" (more like driving in mid air). This is terrible for a simulator...
I have left maybe 3 or 4 reviews in the last 10 years, but this is worth my time to give an accurate review of this "Cruising USA" drifting abomination so that maybe I can prevent at least one other person from wasting their money on this pile of trash...