Supposedly a "FACTUAL" program. I don't think so, a trail of personal opinions from so called authorities on various subjects......unfortunately mostly Covid-19 nowadays on which Philip Schofield seems able to pontificate on at length. Even worse is the constant stream of negative thinkers willing to trash all government actions. The problem is so many gullible viewers will interpret all the throw away comments as fact. Today 12th October some lady/girl/teenager was pontificating about lockdown rules not working and implied that the rules were targeted at saving the elderly (vulnerable) and that it was somehow unfair as in the war it was the young who were sacrificed. Implication is that we should throw the elderly under the bus even though they are the very same people who went to war. It is dangerous to allow these dangerously stupid opinions to be broadcast by people who just want their 15 minutes of fame and will say anything to get it, without any brain activity to back it up.