As someone who has always wanted to jump into game development but could never commit the necessary time and resources into doing so, Dreams was that door that had never before been opened. It is the first true pick up and just create toolkit. I have no experience in 3D modeling, music, game design, etc. Yet here I am creating games. This toolkit is not only robust but also extremely powerful. The sculpting tools can be pushed into photorealistic territory.
And to mesh it all together is the programming side of the kit which is the Logic. MM have done some extraordinary work here in making logic easy to get going but difficult to master. You are basically programming in a 3D visual style. Instead of writing scripts in between semi-colons you are plopping gadgets and wiring them together with signals to make the objects on screen move and explode and emit projectiles and anything else you want them to do.
All in all, it was 7-8+ years well worth it. Because this toolkit is AMAZING. You can create anything you want ( besides online multiplayer stuff of course ). And with enough time and determination and skill you can shape that creation into something you are proud to show off to everyone else.
So MM should be commended for this.
And also, let's not forget Art's Dream which is MMs main creation using the tools within Dreams. They built the toolkit and then went in and showed what it is capable of with their own creative talents and created a masterpiece journey that was an absolute joy from start to finish and incredibly inspiring. To top it off you also get the assets they created and used in their game to plop into your own creations and use however you wish. How incredible is that?
Anyway. 5/5 goty game of the decade, creation toolkit of all time. All the awards. Just hand em over