Well living in another part of world (India) and then after watching this movie, It is so relatable to whats going on here.
So inplace of race, hatred is based on religion, casteism and what not...
And above all this so called social media .. oh my, full of negativity.
And above this, people out there feel proud doing so.
So whats happening and what going to be happen, this movie is relatable.
That character was so dame right.. teaching children goody-goody .. nothing is wrong .. all color people are same is not right, that's not a reality, actual world is completely different.
News channels are second most dangerous thing in India.. or may be 1st if social media is not or may be both fight on 1st position.
Everything is lie, and at the end innocent people dying : in bore-well, lynching, person who want to raise voice ended up badly, everything becoming bad and then step forward to worsen.
No one cares about it.
Believe me this movie disturbed me a lot, this much that even I didn't have a good sleep for few days :-(.