You have NOT played a game like this. You may see hexagons and a knight lookin' like a Warcrafter's wet dream of Lordaeron. Its not a stodgy RTS or another tower def reskinned. It's been absolutely wonderful to discover, and brings totally new mechanics to master. It's hilariously scripted with unexpected jokes from zombie sheep to questing for a tongue. Setting up, following, and then completely blowing up every trope a whole Necronomicon could throw at them. The mechanics are fun and relatively simple, (at first) with so many variations it can be almost endlessly modifiable for favored playstyles. Troop types, heroes, your own interchangeable ballista with different ammo for customizing to specific enemies during each fight. Ever thought as you lost a TD game "If I was that little knight I woulda been able to target the last damn guy!?" Well now you friggin' CAN!! Control any unit yourself at will, or throw down your commander and be the baddest bloke on the battlefield. Buy this now!!!!!!!