An interesting movie. Not sure when I first watched this, but I enjoyed it a lot the first time, and still have after a few more times. The beginning is action-filled, with some decent comedy that is cheesy but persistent. The animation is overall very good, and the turkeys fit well into the realistic backgrounds.
However, there are a few issues. For instance, Reggie, who is supposed to be the main protagonist, is just a lazy, uncompelled and overall bad protagonist. He is celebrated by everyone, but Jak does all the work, finding creative ways to fend off the hunters. Reggie merely follows Jak's lead and only assists. Jake leads everyone effectively and is actually successful with his plans, like blowing up the shed for example. He even takes all of the blame for Reggie when he accidentally leads the hunters to their secret den, costing the life of their leader. Although it was Jak's idea, Reggie still willingly participated and should have taken some of the fall as well. He even blames Jak and makes him look like an idiot in front of the whole flock, and really got the long end of the stick, taking no real blame for the catastrophe that ensued. The whole time, Reggie wants to leave and wants no business in saving turkey-kind. He is a selfish, lazy and egotistical prick who doesn't need to be in this movie. (Although he is friendly and carefree by nature, it's possible he didn't apologize except to Jenny because she was easy to be around and friendly).
Of course, the Plymouth colony would have relied mainly on the generosity of the natives rather than hunting turkeys. The turkey being the centerpiece of a Thanksgiving dinner happened more as tradition evolved, but not back in 1621. To be fair, they had to ignore the historical gap to make a movie about animals retaliating against humans.
Despite these discrepancies, I always find the movie entertaining. The voices, especially the intonation of Ranger In every one of his sentences made the seriousness of it all feel sarcastic in a funny way. Jak also has interesting character change by acting foolish sometimes and serious in others. He is a real hero and a fun character in the movie. The fat guy in the colony was also enjoyable, with ridiculous movements and facial expressions compounding the entertainment of the movie.
A good movie with some flaws, and among the only good Thanksgiving animation around.
~The End(And Stuff)!~
Note: I don't know why there are stupid reviews, but people are developing Stan-level obsessions to this movie. Like seriously, "Oh, now I pray to the corn gods for blessing us with this movie." I have a feeling that a lot of 9 year olds wrote these reviews, but as someone who isn't I still like the movie.
~The Actual End!~
Or is it?
You really scrolled down this far?
I'm just trolling at this point, you'll never get to read the next review!
Why are you even here, eh?
Only weirdos like me will take them 45 minutes to write an essay about a bird movie.
With nothing else to say, I resign.