I enjoy watching CSB Sunday morning. I like the up-to-date issues and topics that relate to everyday concerns.
I would like to see an update of COVID-19 from around the world including various places in the U.S..
I was talking with someone in Pittsburgh and she seem to following the same practices I do here in Los Angeles, e.g. wearing masks, working from home, no in-dining, online or curb side ordering at restaurants, etc.
I liked the show about Italy when the City was shutdown, people coping with COVID-19 by communicating with others on their balcony patio thru music.
I heard on Channel 5 News Sweden, Norway, Czech, etc have lower COVID-19 cases due to their diet.
CBS does show the U.S. States COVID-19 cases in colored map.
We have heard so much about COVID-19 at times you wish it would just go away, but we need to keep aware. Maybe there are areas that go a little extra careful and the virus cases are showing good results.
China has done this_____ and their numbers are down, Italy shut down the City and their number are down, etc., a whole world comparison at one time would be interesting.
Keep up the good work. Thank you to everyone for what you do considering the hours, unpleasant tasks or situations you may get into.
Stay well and keep safe.
Velma Jones