One thing most all Godzilla films suffer from is the dragging explanations fans are forced to sit though trying to justify why godzilla exist.
This was most certainly better than Planet Godzilla but those idiotic fake science explanations really got to me.
I mean come on Netflix/ TOHO when someone watches a godzilla flick all they really want to see IS giant monsters wreaking havoc and mayhem its also ok to throw in a giant robot or 2 in the mix NOT a fictitious moronic science lecture in every bloody episode.
Godzilla in its full recognizable form doesn't show up until the 11th episode of a 13 episode first season run.
WHAT is up with that Netflix? It is not enough you bored us to death with planet godzilla then you get our hopes up with this then give us a series comprised of 60% fake science explanations 30% human chatter 10% or less mild kaiju action
Utterly disappointing.