Y’all. Stop thinking this movie is good. It is not good. The book wasn’t some outstanding read or anything, good, not an all time favorite, I thought the ending was clever and enjoyed how it came full circle, but they didn’t do it justice. Fine if you want to change some of the readers’s favorite scenes, but make them BETTER, not extra boring. Frankly, if you have plans to dramatize, at least put the effort in. Chase wasn’t very cute compared to what the book suggested as an all star hunk. Tate’s dad was short (very, actually). Book and movie complaint: why don’t we hear/see more from the wife/fiancé? I mean… c’mon. The least a dramatization could’ve done was give us flashbacks of the murder in technicolor, but no. 2/5 at best, and that’s being generous. A great friend compared it to Great Value Nicholas Sparks, but it’s almost offensive to compare it to him. At least they did the Notebook justice.