This final installment left me feeling very satisfied. It was thrilling, exciting, funny moments, moments that made me cry, overall just extremely fun. The darkness with Palpatine was visually stunning. I enjoyed the new characters for the most part, omg Babu is freakin adorable, D-0 is adorable, but what I loved most was the chemistry and dynamic between Poe, Finn & Rey. There were a couple things I was anticipating that didn't happen, and maybe would've been amazing to see on screen...SPOILER......
When Rey is battling Palpatine and he says he "has all the Sith within him", she replies with "and I have all the Jedi in me"... i literally was expecting force ghosts of Yoda, Luke, Obi-Wan and Anakin to appear by her side and help her defeat Palpatine..... *shrug*....didn't happen but, i'm still very happy with how it all wrapped up.
My favorite of the sequel trilogy BY FAR!!