A fascinating comedy backdrop movie, Gulabo Sitabo, directed by Shoojit Sircar with a brilliant star cast such as Amitabh Bachchan (Mirza), Ayushmann Khurrana (Baankey Rastogi) and Farruk Jafar (Begum), encaptures the viewer and takes an unusual route to comedy situations, tug-of-fur, emotions, and drama.
The movie starts at a backdrop somewhere in Lucknow in the Fathima Mahal. It starts with the Mirza (husband of Begum), an old-age man with an unshaved beard and a bent lower back, removing a blub from his old rusting mansion, i.e., Fathima Mahal, and selling it for petty money. He wants to make the mansion for his name, but the owner of the mahal, Begum, is still alive and the mansion is only going to be handover to Mirza after she dismisses. There is also a story of the tenants living in the same mansion from a very long time, one of the tenants is Baankey, played by Ayshumann, is flour mill owner which is only means of his daily bread and followed with three sisters and mother. Also, there are few other tenants in the same mansion.
The story takes a turn when Mirza asks the tenants to pay high rent or vacate the mansion, and the resilient tenants make a poly against the Mirza and want to take the fight on; they come in contact with an officer in the Archaeological department. In the meantime, Mirza keeps trying to make the mansion to his name with illegal means. The Archaeological angle, the politics, and the misuse of the innocence of the poor illiterate people are shown in this movie. Also, Begum plays her role in the climax, which undoes everyone’s effort to grab the mansion for themselves.
After seeing the movie everyone will appreciate that still how many arrows does Amitabh Bachchan have in the arsenal, which we haven’t seen yet. Bravo to the team to make such an impressive film and to entertain all with a simple loveable and laughable story for all age groups.