I looked at this game as en entry for myself into the AC series as the older games didn't really tickle my fancy, looking at the new crafting system, tons of customization for characters and items and decent graphics. Yet it has ended up ruining any interest in trying. I preordered this game and my gf had been playing a lot more than I have, resulting in a significant head start in progression. I realized after going through the starting sequence only to find out that you have to share one island per console! That means limited space to build, considerably limiting creative freedom, all resources are shared forcing you to time travel if you actually want to play on separate sessions. In my case where my gf has a head start means there is no appeal for me to play, progression is now not there, as the island is populated and most items unlocked. The entire point of this series from what I can tell is to start from the bottom and work your way to where you desire to be! This feature removes this completely unless you want to sacrifice an existing save file or limit the amount you play so you don't ruin other's experience. I sincerely hope that this gets changed in a future update so you at least get the choice if you want to share or not. Until then, I seriously don't think I'll play further.