**Spoilers** My vote: Good Picture...not BEST Picture. My points:
*Even in the world of the rich, naive and silly one would likely figure out a simple con.
*The daughter of the poor in the role of the art teacher, is dirt poor yet dresses like a super-model? Her tutor brother, somewhat the same.
*Once they were swimming in con money, why didn't the dad just buy new clothes and take a decent bath?
Anyway, I won't pluck the entire chicken because doing so is pointless. I simply would have preferred a non-western ending (e.g. skip the unnecessary slaughter and gore) and instead preferred a clever play on the naivety of the owners. A kid witnessing people being murdered on his birthday? His own dad dying on his birthday??? That's typical Hollywood cinema stuff that is both uninspiring and predictable.
In my world, no one would have died. The poor would have banded together to collectively elevate their con of the rich while the rich would continue believing that they had control.
I can't with the wreckless gore!!!