Wow Iris takes over the show! It’s amazing!
This show isn’t about The Flash anymore! Wow their are no words how low this show is sinking!
It actually has so much potential! But the Director’s are going the wrong direction to please their own political ideology! They started this show using the flash name, then slowly started to adding their ideology:
it’s “Team Flash” Which was okay, then they started removing him from the episodes sometimes he wasn’t even there, then it’s all about Iris and her News paper, now it’s about Iris and her “Team Citizen” How crazy is this!!!!
This represents what this people do?! They only know how to destroy famous iconic heroes!!!
Because they do know if they create a new hero that they “Like” with their “Ideology” nobody would watch their shows because are “Boring” and “Lame” and “Stupid”!!! So please give it a rest!!!!
This show it’s called “The Flash” it’s all about The Flash!!! He is the hero!!! The icon!!! The inspiration!!! The true hero among the heroes!!!
The Paragon of Love!!!! Iris or any other characters in this show is simply “Not”it !!!!!!.