I really want to love this but I'm stuck on kinda liking it. I'm watching it for the second time to see how I feel and find what I missed.
At the beginning of the movie where there is so much rehashing of things we already know, I find myself zoning out. Also, the ideology that's being portrayed irks me in a sense but that is my issue. I absolutely hate the jokes, it's becoming a movie that Will Smith can be in. The whole meta-ness felt like it's poking fun at the people that love the matrix and also shows how much Lana didn't want to make it. There is also THE FORCE.
All in all, I do believe if you are a fan you should give it a watch and form your own opinion. And if you are new to the whole franchise you'll probably like it more than not.
I gave it 3 stars because I felt a bit meh about it. Hopefully, that changes.