The first and second season of this Show are Terrible, I Personally Didn't enjoy them,Only the 3rd season has better action,
In General in the first 2 seasons its Just a Bunch of Lame Spoiled Rich Kids Throwing Tantrums Because They're Mad at their Parents.
There is Too much Stalling Within the plot Making the story feel way more stretched than it should,
Nothing they do Really Brings their Characters to life in the form of actual 'RUNAWAYS',
its all just unoriginal, the fact that they survived out in the streets without any actual street problems especially coming from the rich lifestyles and Ironically enough , they Conveniently find a mansion and drive a vintage Rolls Royce around,
I hate how everything seems to work out for them, this Removes any excitement that comes with the main characters miserably failing on their goal leaving the viewers to debate on whats next or wonder how they're going to fix their issues,
Even in their worst situation Everything Just works itself Out with little to no effort and you barely get any worthwhile rush watching it since there is barely any actual action,
the Emotional moments are even more unrealistic,the characters response to grief is nowhere near the actual reality it should be,
you'd expect more but you get nothing near to your expectations.